The Beginning Of The Obama Era

Desperate Times?

How do you feel now in 2009? Are you a Internet marketeer, and making money online is not as profitable? Are you working at home and trying to make money online and the yields are not as lucrative?
Think about it. Since the we slipped into a recession in 2007, 4.6 million people in the United States lost their jobs. Long term unemployment is here to stay. According to Bureau of Labor and Statistics, at least 2 million individuals are taking advantage of the Emergency Unemployment Compensation Extension Act of 2008. With so many people making money of the government, and with so many people exhausting their regular Unemployment Compensation insurance, it can be argued that we have a bottomless pit as far as the economy is concern.

Are You Like Me

I am the basic unemployed soul. I was laid off and in two and a half months my unemployment runs out. I have been a steady worker for 25 years. And I find it hard to find a job when the people also looking for a job right alone with you are better educated or have more work experience. So what does that mean? This is why I am trying to make money online.

No job + unlikely to find one soon + poorly educated = Desperation.

Lipstick Effect Theory, Ways To Make Money And Save It, Too

Having spent many months discovering ways to make money online, and not totally succeeding at this, I have, though, learned to look at the economic side of this country in a new light. What we known: A whole lot of people not making money at all. A whole lot of people, in fact are unemployed. I Look at unemployment figures: I started noticing it three months ago when things starting really tanking. As national average of 7.2 % unemployment, people, like myself, have been trying to cut corners. This is where the general theory of the “Lipstick Effect”comes in. It holds that in hard economic times, when large luxury items are not obtainable, smaller more affordable luxuries become more desirable, such as lipstick. Although it may hold for many items, especially if you are trying to make money online, such small luxuries as this could be a good source of income.
Originally, the Lipstick Effect had been coined in the first Great Depression, a period where cosmetics generally took off. Now I am not saying to go out and invest in cosmetic companies. Perhaps starting your own online cosmetic store as a way to make money online. The market for cosmetic companies seems sort of saturated at the moment. And the quarterly earnings of some companies have suffered along with everyone else this year.

Now For The Real Good News

Saving money online by the grace of the Class Action Suit. This suit, which starts this Tuesday January 20, just in time for the Presidential inauguration, will be valid for 7 days. In that time period any one who bought cosmetic items in the United States between 1993-2003 may get 1 Free cosmetic from various stores and cosmetic companies.
Stores included in this class action suit: Boston Store-Bloomingdale’s-Nordstrom-Saks Fifth Avenue-Macy’s, to name a few.
Some cosmetic companies sighted in this suit are huge: Chanel, Inc-Estée Lauder and the list goes on. More information on this can be found at: **

Lip stick anyone?