A organization calling itself Americans For Prosperity has stolen some of President Obama's stimulus thunder. And whileTreasure Secretary Tim Geithner's long awaited outline of what is now called Comprehensive Financial Stability Plan that turned Tuesday's stock market into hamburger helper, this organization rose up and clicks to their website made it crash.
Now if you are one of the currently unemployed 10 or 11 million Americans, or one of the 598,000 Americans tossed onto the street in January of 2009, well how can a logo saying "No Stimulus!" go over well with you?
But let's be fair. I love capitalism. I have tried it myself and liked it. Yet could they be rather "Prosperous" Americans that had never experienced real down-and-out poverty? Or even worse: never had a moment in their lives where they actually lived check to check; where unemployment only happens to one of their own workers. Mmm. Well, I am not one to be too judgemental--actually I can be judgemental. But let's look at what they are saying.
Who Are These People?
This Wikipedia tells us:[Americans For Prosperity]. . . is a non-partisan Washington D.C.-based political advocacy group which describes itself on its Web site as "... an organization of grassroots leaders who engage citizens in the name of limited government and free markets on the local, state and federal levels."
Well, I am not saying I am right that, A.)they are rich white people worried that they will be some how crushed by the poverty of the lower orders. B) They are a residue of the George Bush era, whose only requirement is total lack of empathy. Now I am being a little harsh. Well, who is the mover and shaker involved in this organization?
Tim Phillips: President. Has a B.A. in Political Science from Virginia Tech University. Helped to co-found Century Strategies with Ralph Reed, political and corporate consulting firm that, according to National Journal, "has raked in millions of dollars by mounting grassroots lobbying drives and other campaigns. . . " And perhaps in passing it is worth remembering who campaigned for Enron to reduce any backing for energy regulation.
By itself, this doesn't mean that Tim Philips and the Americans for Prosperity is insincere. But the campaign feel of this movement is not based on how to help the Americans that are now unemployed but how to keep the rich people. . .prosperous? Where on their site do they talk about people like me? I have been unemployed for 4 months. For man that has been working since I was a teenager, I do not need political whip lash coming from an organization that seems to care only for conservative employed Americans. If this group had reached out with more even handed view of of the Stimulus Bill, I would look at them with a more favorable eye. How is this organization helping someone like me? I saw their talking points. And they take the most obscure points of the bill and splash it on.
Yet they failed to mention one thing. Their is NO bill yet. It still has to be compromised on by both houses. It appears to me, in my one man's opinion that they are relying on the gullibility of Americans. Now I consider myself an objective resident of the United States and because of that I will not point out the suit-tie-members of this organization. But I ask you which one among them has lost a job. Which among those that run this organization would benefit from a stimulus package? Why should they support something that would make no difference in their private economic well being? It comes down to a organization that has made the woe of America a political football. Tell me, when you see the pictures of these suit-and-tie protesters,tell me if you think any of these men or women are unemployed. However, look at the site yourself. Please decide for your self. Even sign the petition if you want. Here is the website
I go even further. Here is a sight that explains what is in the Stimulus Bill. Let's go to a more mundane site with no political after taste, again Wikipedia:
The reason I ask you to go there is not to trust what I say. But to think for your self. I am one man: one opinion. That is it. I wish others could do the same.
My best, Courteous Navigator