Michelle Malkin's Race Card
2010 Census And money :Why Is Michelle Malkin Using Children, Again?
For Bill O'Reilly, The Real Tiller Killer: It Is Always About Making Money
Glenn Beck's Love Affair With Racism: how to lose money
But never fear, the Right always make money. When Beck Wanted to by Terri Shiavo from her husband(Yes, just like a whore) he didn't lose much out of it. So never fear. The right know how to keep the money coming. It's the wander of the Gagasphere, that such beautiful people like Mr. Beck get to say what they want and not pay for it.
Did You Ever Think Why Michelle Malkin Hates Michelle Obama? It's The Money!!!
Right Is Where The Money Is
I am more interested in how the Conservatives make money in this country. And they are making some. Michelle Malkin and her Culture of Corruption is making a bundle. Partly because every racist that despises the Obamas will buy it, partly the Malkinbots will buy into the Half-truths contained it. It's a wonderful testament to the capitalist system that making up stuff and selling it as the truth makes you a lot of money. That is the Gagasphere for you!!!
Courteous Navigator.

Mr. Geithner, perhaps anticipating the opening market wrote a op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal Sunday, and when he unveils this plan on Monday, March 23, 2009, in reality he is fighting to keep his job. By the end of this week, he too, could be gainfully unemployed.
For nearly 150 years the Rocky Mountain News has cranked out hundreds of thousands of dead trees, pulled out 4 Pulitzer Prizes, and in the end lost money, and made 230 people gainfully unemployed.
For over 234 years, the Postal service has delivered mail through out the United States and the rest of the world, but in the end is not making money. This year alone, the Postal service has lost about 2.8 billion dollars.
Is snail Journalism dead? Is snail mail dead? Not entirely. Even Fedex which had been steadily making money for the last few years, reported a 75% drop in profits shares. Why is all this important? Why is the New York times, and now Seattle Post-Intelligencer going the way of the Internet? Again it is the Internet, the economy and unemployment, but I think mainly the Internet. Do you really have to have the snail mail delivery your cell phone bill? You can use a pay system on your bank website. How your cable bill, your credit card bills, or your mortgage.
How about love letters or the the way sons and daughters send money to their family? Through the mail? With Moneygram and Western Union online now?
With economy still tanking, and unemployment heading toward 9 % nationally, it is in the interest of major newspapers and the Federally run postal service to rely on the Internet to make money.
I thought I would just point that out.
And, as I thought about this, it occurred to me that one way people are making money online now is email marketing.
But be warned Spam need not apply here. Direct marketing Association reports that email based marketing will get you $43.52 dollars in return investment. And, although down from last year, companies are still making money from email marketing.
According to Merkle database marketing agency, the the winners this year is Permission email. Merkle estimates that 55% promotional email is never even opened. This is a dilemma. But only for for those marketeers so desperate to make money. Clearly the winners are those companies that know who they are marketing to. It is knowing the customer, not the random crap that you get in email that makes the real money.
--Courteous Navigator

Shrugged keeps her high on the search engine. And on GoJohn Galt site(Galt referring to the pure capitalist protagonist of the story), not only attracting rather shady and egocentric and potential racists, he is actively seeking and trying to make money--like me. Note the Amazon links he has on his page. You think he doesn't get any money for referring to that book?
--Courteous Navigator
Obamaton Or Just Wanna Make Money?
Okay, before I get into the subject of making money online,which is the exact reason I am here, let's digress to a definition: From the Urban dictionary:
"fan" (Note: Fans =/= Supporters) who is in such a state of being because of Obama's eloquence; one who hasn't even bothered to fairly compare his platform with other candidates' platforms. Pun on the word "automaton".
This was actually posted on the Urban Dictionary site on February 4, by Johnathan Andrew.It appears to be a rather new term haunting cyberspace. Yet, I had found it hilarious. Not only because someone thought I was one of THEM, but also because the term has it's place in this society.
Here is what happened. Just like any body trying to make money online, I was doing my daily backlink building. I came across a interesting article. I posted a comment here:
Now, I tend to write long posts. This one was, perhaps, a bit too one sided? Whatever the case, I ended up getting dumped on. The article,Views on the News by a very talented conservative writer, was a long affair. In some cases, well argued. However, I thought it was inevitable colored with way too many stereo-types and sound bites that conservatives often use to place blame on others(meaning liberals), thus making them impervious to any concept of objectivity. Now, I am objective enough to say that liberals have taken on this curious and poor argument style of rationalization. However, this is my opinion, and I wish for you look at the article yourself.
So here I am trying to build my pathetic little money thing, when I crossed swords with fellow posters. I made what I thought was a valid argument. After all, the Stimulus bill was basically an attempt to put money in the hands of the average American. Well? maybe. The jury is still out on that one. The author of this piece insinuates that the markets "going south" as he puts it, is totally the fault of this president. Mmm, maybe? Or maybe it's because we are in a Recession. Here is a snippet from my post:
And talking about the Stock market? I mean, sorry man, liberal or conservative, this argument really does not seem credible. I mean, are we to live and die by this market? The Dow Jones in Dec 2007 to Jan. 21,2009 when Obama became president,already shed about 5,000 to 6,000 points. Unless somehow you are able to blame him for that? I mean I am not exactly a liberal, but I am willing to put whole blame on either Bush or Obama.
Now I thought that was a pretty lucid argument to make. No, I guess not. I forgot one thing about human nature. If your views are so strong in opposition, nothing one says can be ever construed as a valid argument.
This is what I got in response;
Your lack of knowledge of how markets like the stock market work is evident and you are, in my opinion, an Obamaton trying desperately to make it sound like you are not an Obamaton trying to make excuses for markets that are heading south because of Obama’s long term policy plans.
Is this the end of the moderate view point? Must I be pigeon-holed. All they had to do was click on my site and see I was trying to make money online(all be it naively so).
Okay, let's regroup. My "babbling" is well defined and I am totally owned by someone that 1) clearly does not have any moderate and compromising views on politics, and 2) So desperate to find an enemy to latch on to they most coin words to put them in their place.
Classification: Obamaton.
What is lost here?
I am not a student of history, but it safe to say that politics in this country has been deeply poisoned by such lack of moderate communication. Having said that, I see a deeper dilemma. A nation that is suffering from a very deep recession, two wars, and sinking employment rate, I see this inability to compromise in tone as a schism that will tear American apart. When, it seems to me we need unity more than ever. Art of compromise, dead? Let us hope not.
-Courteous Navigator
The United States Stimulus Bill Goes Live: Could That Mean More Money For You?
Welcome to Recovery.gov
Recovery.gov is a website that lets you, the taxpayer, figure out where the money from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is going. There are going to be a few different ways to search for information. The money is being distributed by Federal agencies, and soon you'll be able to see where it's going -- to which states, to which congressional districts, even to which Federal contractors. As soon as we are able to, we'll display that information visually in maps, charts, and graphics.
You can see if you are able to get your hands on any of this free money.[If you want to call free.]
Also, each state may have it's own link. So type in www.recovery.gov/ your state.com. Since this Stimulus bill is barely a week old, don't expect miracle money. But it for the smaller states it should pound some money into this recessionary economy. I say "should", because as far as the Democrats and Republicans are concerned, they really don't know if this will put jobs into American hands.
-Courteous Navigator.
The Stimulus Plan: A Valentine for American economy?

On Feburary Friday the 13, 2009, the final draft of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act had been finalized. President Obama is set to sign it on Tuesday, Feburary 17. You can see a summery of this report here:
I suggest you take a good look at the summery of this Stimulus Bill, as well as the whole text. You have about a week and a half?
Now, I am taking this from the Democratic website, so any summery you may see could contain some bias. I say "may" to give you the opportunty to think objectively.
Now, this stimulus bill is hot, real hot. It's a political gold mine for the Democrats if this nation rises up out of the recession and Americans are put to work. And if it sinks, Republicans will shine once more. The reason I say all this? My basic concern is that this Government will not come together. With Judd Gregg making back tracks away from the commerce secretary position, the bipartisan spirit this administration was aiming for, is slowly (and seemly) eroding.
I could see what the President was trying to do. He wanted as many aboard this ship as possible. This would bring some needed confidence in our government which had been sorely needed. Judd Gregg for whatever reason(couldn't handle all that liberal spending?), it just symbolizes the problems this Administration faces.
What I hoped for was pretty simple: That a common goal for all parties in Washington: A) To alleviate the burdens that many unemployed Americans now face. And, B) Soften the blow of those eminent unemployed in 2009 through 2010.
So, only time will tell if this Stimulus bill helps the unemployed, and even more importantly those long term unemployed waiting their chance. So take a look at this bill before all the blogger and pundents decide for you, either for or against it, it is here. A grand folly from Washington or a sweet Valentine to us all.
Courteous Navigator.
No Stimulus?: Americans for prosperity

But let's be fair. I love capitalism. I have tried it myself and liked it. Yet could they be rather "Prosperous" Americans that had never experienced real down-and-out poverty? Or even worse: never had a moment in their lives where they actually lived check to check; where unemployment only happens to one of their own workers. Mmm. Well, I am not one to be too judgemental--actually I can be judgemental. But let's look at what they are saying.
Who Are These People?
This Wikipedia tells us:[Americans For Prosperity]. . . is a non-partisan Washington D.C.-based political advocacy group which describes itself on its Web site as "... an organization of grassroots leaders who engage citizens in the name of limited government and free markets on the local, state and federal levels."
Well, I am not saying I am right that, A.)they are rich white people worried that they will be some how crushed by the poverty of the lower orders. B) They are a residue of the George Bush era, whose only requirement is total lack of empathy. Now I am being a little harsh. Well, who is the mover and shaker involved in this organization?
By itself, this doesn't mean that Tim Philips and the Americans for Prosperity is insincere. But the campaign feel of this movement is not based on how to help the Americans that are now unemployed but how to keep the rich people. . .prosperous? Where on their site do they talk about people like me? I have been unemployed for 4 months. For man that has been working since I was a teenager, I do not need political whip lash coming from an organization that seems to care only for conservative employed Americans. If this group had reached out with more even handed view of of the Stimulus Bill, I would look at them with a more favorable eye. How is this organization helping someone like me? I saw their talking points. And they take the most obscure points of the bill and splash it on.
Yet they failed to mention one thing. Their is NO bill yet. It still has to be compromised on by both houses. It appears to me, in my one man's opinion that they are relying on the gullibility of Americans. Now I consider myself an objective resident of the United States and because of that I will not point out the suit-tie-members of this organization. But I ask you which one among them has lost a job. Which among those that run this organization would benefit from a stimulus package? Why should they support something that would make no difference in their private economic well being? It comes down to a organization that has made the woe of America a political football. Tell me, when you see the pictures of these suit-and-tie protesters,tell me if you think any of these men or women are unemployed. However, look at the site yourself. Please decide for your self. Even sign the petition if you want. Here is the website
I go even further. Here is a sight that explains what is in the Stimulus Bill. Let's go to a more mundane site with no political after taste, again Wikipedia:
The reason I ask you to go there is not to trust what I say. But to think for your self. I am one man: one opinion. That is it. I wish others could do the same.
My best, Courteous Navigator
Just another way of making money?

The Beginning Of The Obama Era
How do you feel now in 2009? Are you a Internet marketeer, and making money online is not as profitable? Are you working at home and trying to make money online and the yields are not as lucrative?
Think about it. Since the we slipped into a recession in 2007, 4.6 million people in the United States lost their jobs. Long term unemployment is here to stay. According to Bureau of Labor and Statistics, at least 2 million individuals are taking advantage of the Emergency Unemployment Compensation Extension Act of 2008. With so many people making money of the government, and with so many people exhausting their regular Unemployment Compensation insurance, it can be argued that we have a bottomless pit as far as the economy is concern.
Are You Like Me
I am the basic unemployed soul. I was laid off and in two and a half months my unemployment runs out. I have been a steady worker for 25 years. And I find it hard to find a job when the people also looking for a job right alone with you are better educated or have more work experience. So what does that mean? This is why I am trying to make money online.
No job + unlikely to find one soon + poorly educated = Desperation.
Lipstick Effect Theory, Ways To Make Money And Save It, Too
Originally, the Lipstick Effect had been coined in the first Great Depression, a period where cosmetics generally took off. Now I am not saying to go out and invest in cosmetic companies. Perhaps starting your own online cosmetic store as a way to make money online. The market for cosmetic companies seems sort of saturated at the moment. And the quarterly earnings of some companies have suffered along with everyone else this year.
Now For The Real Good News
Saving money online by the grace of the Class Action Suit. This suit, which starts this Tuesday January 20, just in time for the Presidential inauguration, will be valid for 7 days. In that time period any one who bought cosmetic items in the United States between 1993-2003 may get 1 Free cosmetic from various stores and cosmetic companies.
Stores included in this class action suit: Boston Store-Bloomingdale’s-Nordstrom-Saks Fifth Avenue-Macy’s, to name a few.
Some cosmetic companies sighted in this suit are huge: Chanel, Inc-Estée Lauder and the list goes on. More information on this can be found at: *www.cosmeticssettlement.com*
Lip stick anyone?